Amerikanische Wissenschaftler und Universitäten haben eine Internetseite geschaffen auf der jede auf der Erde lebende Tierart eingetragen werden soll. Dies ist ein wirklich ernstgemeintes Projekt an dem sich auch Forscher und Unis aber auch Amateure beteiligen sollen. Aus einer Pressenachricht: Ultimately, the Encyclopedia of Life will provide users the opportunity to personalize the learning experience through its “my eol” feature. The site can be made available in all major languages and will connect scientific communities concerned with ants to apples to zebras. As part of its work, the Encyclopedia of Life will collaborate and partner with a wide range of organizations, individuals, and experts to help strengthen the Encyclopedia and its impact on communities throughout the world. “The solidarity of the U.S. and global communities for the Encyclopedia of Life is tremendously exciting and lifts my confidence that this vast, romantic global effort will succeed,” Edwards said. “We are also encouraged by the declaration in March 2007 by the environment ministers of the G8 nations to foster a global species information system.” While initial work will emphasize species of animals, plants, and fungi, the design can be extended to encompass microbial life. To provide depth behind the portal page for each species, the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL), a consortium that holds most of the relevant scientific literature, will scan and digitize tens of millions of pages of the scientific literature that will offer open access to detailed knowledge. In fact, the BHL now has scanning centers operating in London, Boston, and Washington DC, and has scanned the first 1.25 million pages for the Encyclopedia. “I dream that in a few years wherever a reference to a species occurs on the Internet, there will be a hyperlink to its page in the Encyclopedia of Life,” concluded Edwards. Da hier auch einige Biologen und engagierte User sind dachte ich mir das poste ich mal. Die Seite ist schon da, aber die Strukturen an sich sind noch nicht ganz fertig. Wer Lust hat könnte sich auch als Kurator bewerben. |