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Arjan van der Stelt
Beigetreten 2011-05-17


Hare in black
Re: Hare in black
Thanks for the comments :) Greetings Arjan
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Re: Laubfrosch
With a little bit more space around the frog it will be a better image i think. Greetings Arjan
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Orange-bellied Parrot (Neophema chrysogaster) Orangebauchsittich
Re: Orange-bellied Parrot (Neophema chrysogaster) Orangebauchsittich
Good sharp image and nice perch with lovely light. Greetings Arjan
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Round one
This is image was made with the last light that day, because of the backlight i was able to make this silhouette. Greetings Arjan
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Hauhechelbläuling ...
Re: Hauhechelbläuling ...
Great dof and soft colors love it. Greetings Arjan
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Großer Feuerfalter
Re: Großer Feuerfalter
Nice sharp images with lovely colors. Greetings Arjan
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~ Sehnsucht ~
Re: ~ Sehnsucht ~
Nice to see an image with a different approach from that area it's almost in my backyard and there are not that many pictures from people who did it this way. Greetings Arjan
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Hare in black
Re: Hare in black
Thanks for the comment. Greetings Arjan
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Hare in black
2. Platz Tierbild des Monats Mai 2011
Bild der Woche [2011-05-30]
This hare was sitting on the edge of a ditch and because of the backlight I was able to created this silhouette.
Bearded tit
Re: Bearded tit
Thanks for the warm welcome and comments, hope to share some more pictures on this forum. Greeting Arjan
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Bearded tit
My first image on this forum and also my first bearded tit on photograph had a great time with this little creatures. Greetings Arjan
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