Robert Zelfde
Beigetreten 2009-01-18
In het laatste avondlicht verschijnen voor mijn aanzit een aantal hinden met hun kalveren. Van enige bronstactieviteiten is nog geen spoor te bekennen.
Nog even en het is weer zover.
In the bogland off Sweden the mail black grouse likes to sit in smal pin trees. And watch ther lekking place for the Hens to swow up.
In the boglands off South Sweden is it nice during the springtime.
Lats off Black Grouse playing in the early morning in front off my hide.
This mail bird is comming very close to the hide.
Staying in the hide till the morning comes, the birds paying from 21:00 ontill 8:00.
During the hard winter in Holland a lot of Kingfischers passed out and not survive. This couple hase made it and found each other.
From my hide in Värmland, 22 mail birds display on this Lek.
The also comming in the afternoon from 17:00 til down.
The best time is in the morning, when the birds are making you a wake while you sleeps in the hide.
Very nice picture from my favorite bird.Every year I visit my self made cabins in the bogland of Sweden.
This year I will go at the end of april to several hides.
My complements for the picture and all your other work!
Best regards
This picture is made in my home country, The Netherlands, in the area thats cold de Veluwe.
This area is 90.000 hectare of woodland. The pictures I make are 100% wildlife.
There is also a park that is cold "de Hoge Veluwe" and that is 5.500 hectare closed area ( geheghe )
and from this park you see al the pictures from Red Deer during the mating season.
Regards Robert.