Hallo, ich heiße Andrea Adones. Zunächst entschuldige ich mich für die Übersetzung dieses Textes. Ich bin Spanier und bin letzten Freitag nach Deutschland gezogen. Meine Deutschkenntnisse sind noch sehr schlecht, daher habe ich diesen Text mit Google Translate geschrieben. Zum besseren Verständnis finden Sie unten die englische Version. Ich bin ein Amateur-Naturfotograf, verliebt in Tiere und Reisen. Ich lebe zurzeit in Ingolstadt (Bayern) und möchte Menschen aus der Region kennenlernen, mit denen dieses Hobby geteilt wird. Vielen Dank und nochmals entschuldige ich mich für meine Deutschkenntnisse, ich hoffe es bald zu verbessern :) Hi, my name is Andrea Adones. First of all, I apologize for the translation of this text. I am Spanish and I’ve moved to Germany last Friday. My knowledge of German is very poor yet, so I’ve written this text with Google Translate. For a better understanding, you will find the English version below. |
bienvenido aquí en este foro!
Te deseo muchas buenas fotos, y que te lo pases bien aquí...
Welcome to the forum! Nice to have You here.
River Danube should be close to your home, I guess.
Waterfoul and the usual wildlife can't be that far :)
Keep your eyes open.
A lot German Wildlife or Naturephotographers visit Spain for its awesome wildlife.
Especially birds of prey are more common in Spain as here in Germany.
Enjoy your stay here. We are curious about your images that you upload.
You're right, in Spain we have a very awesome wildlife Sadly, I've started with the wildlife photography this year, and it wasn't the best idea.. not to many opportunities to travel around the country. In any case, now I have the Danube very close, as you said. I'm looking forward to ending the quarantine to go out and discover its beauty
Herzlich willkommen und gut Licht.
Viele Grüße
First of all, welcome to Germany and also to this forum!
Unfortunately, Ingolstadt is quite far away from my home, but I am pretty sure that you will find people sharing this beautiful hobby with you
Your German is already very good, or the translation algorithms have improved a lot. Maybe its a combination of both
I am looking forward to see your photographs.
Thank you for the wellcome! Regarding the text..I'm sorry to admit that the translations algorithms are quite good now...